Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Thank you"

I'd be lying if I said I did not think about Kate. Yesterday would have been our anniversary, if we had not divorced. I'm blaming it on lack of trust, but her story might be slightly different. She always had a way of making herself out to be the victim, and who would not believe her what with those innocent eyes, 6' tall frame, and looks of a Swedish supermodel.

The thing about it is I learned tons from her. She wanted to be "friends" and me I could not handle that. I now know I made the right decision, with her quotes like "We don't belong together because we never had a movie moment. You know like in Disney movies." This lead her to go out with other men while her husband was in school. She did "love" me, she would make a point of telling me every time we hung up the phone. Slowly I realized I was better off without her, so I pulled away, removing her drug out of me.

Kate gave me tons of knowledge. Knowing when to listen, what to say, being there for a companion, but more importantly I learned belief in myself, and failure. Belief in myself, she never believed in me when i needed someone to just tell me good job, but she was more concerned about when her diamond was going to get bigger. Once you were gone, right, my family did believe in me but my confidence was at an all time low. Slowly I worked, and worked, success upon success. Today I know I can do anything!

Failure, how is that a gift? The thing is I failed but you learn more from losses than you do from victories. I am no longer afraid to fall, I know i can bounce back, stronger, determined, aggressive, and much much more ambitious than before. I took leaps once she was gone, I couldn't use "my family" as my excuse anymore. I was the only thing holding me back. I have been blessed with so many opportunities in the past 2 years and I would never have taken them with her, With that I do thank Kate for all that she taught me.

1 comment:

Sen said...

WOW! It takes a lot of people a lifetime to admit where they failed and see the diamond in the rough that came from it. If everything was easy in life what would we have learned.. nothing. Bravo!