Tuesday, August 12, 2008

no money, no problem

Lets preface this by saying "yes I am pretty much an asshole" its well documented, and i really do not deny it, it's like a badge of honor.

I was at the bar this weekend, doing my usual thing of no drink talking to girls, and guys. this was one of the conversations I had with a blonde girl with way too much make-up on.

Me: "So did Avon paint your face or is that Mary Kay?"

Blonde: slightly annoyed "Its mac!"

me: "well you are borderline rodeo clown, i'd recomend taking it down a notch"

blonde: really annoyed look of disbelief on her face, awkward silence for what seems like 5 mins "ASSHOLE"

me: You know if you bought me a drink i bet I could easily mistake the shimmery eye shadow for a slight twinkle in your eyes.

blonde: smiles "ha, your funny, what are you drinking?"

thank god she bought me a drink, I was thirsty!

aaaannnnddd in unrelated news:
life is like a porno movie. no matter who you meet they're going to screw you.


Sen said...

Wow.. its great to be honest and all.. but I cannot believe she bought you a drink after that.

Latent Image said...

Good thing 70% of what we say is body language and tone.
why wouldn't she want to buy me a drink was my question.