Sunday, May 4, 2008


I think its about time i gave a tip for the fellas out there on how to pick up on a female. not just any female, no sir. a fine female who happens to be at a library, or any other venue where words must be kept to a minimum.

The keys to pulling this off is to be bold, and confident

you need to get her attention for a brief moment, flash her a smile. if she flashes one back, touches her hair, or any other preening gesture, your in there. All you have to do is act.

If nothing, better luck next time "nova."

Got her attention, she knows your there, sexual tension in the air! (probably not but hey, we all want a hot librarian from time to time) now your move: pull out a piece of paper draw yourself a tic tac toe game, write loser buys coffee, drop it off at where ever she is and sit. ballsy i know but she will giggle or think your a complete jerk, but at least you know where she stands.

Now of course this alone will not get her on a date with you. I even bet if you do get her number she flakes because that's what women do, but that's another day and time. ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should totally be the dating counselor for all those BEE-tarded loosers in Utah.. Tic Tac Toe huh..:p..